Defibrillator familiarisation course for BID Area businesses on 27th October - Bracknell BID

Defibrillator familiarisation course for BID Area businesses on 27th October

The Bracknell BID are organising and funding a defibrillator awareness course for BID Area Businesses that will be held on Wednesday,27th October at 10am, running for approximately two and a half hours. This course will be delivered by South Central Ambulance Service at 329 Bracknell, Doncastle Road, Bracknell RG12 8PE. This course is free to BID Area Businesses.


The course will cover:

  • what you should do if you witness a cardiac arrest
  • how to use a publicly accessible defibrillator should one be nearby 
  • how to perform CPR correctly and safely
  • how to hand over to the ambulance service


As the BID has recently funded four publicly accessible defibrillators throughout the BID area, this is an opportunity for businesses to familiarise themselves with the devices and be comfortable using them should there be an emergency.


If you are interested in joining the course please email the BID Team at

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