Health and wellbeing for businesses
Please see two Health and Wellbeing presentations provided by one of the BID’s partners for businesses and their employees on how to manage: • Sleep • Ageing Workforce
Please see two Health and Wellbeing presentations provided by one of the BID’s partners for businesses and their employees on how to manage: • Sleep • Ageing Workforce
Bracknell Forest Council is required under s65 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to seek the views of representatives of local non-domestic ratepayers on its budget proposals before they are formally adopted. . In this regard, the draft budget proposals were published for consultation by the Council’s Executive at its meeting on 15 December
Bracknell Forest Council Budget 2021/22 – Consultation with Business Ratepayers Read More »
Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Annual General Meeting: Recovery and Renewal – Building back a more resilient and sustainable Berkshire, is taking place on 3rd February 2021 from 10.30am to 12.30pm. . The LEP’s first virtual Annual General Meeting will bring together the private sector, local government, the community and education sectors, as well
The Customs Grant Scheme was set up to help businesses prepare for new customs arrangements from 1 January 2021. This includes supporting businesses who trade with the EU to undertake training to improve their understanding of customs requirements and working with customs intermediaries. It also helps customs intermediaries increase their capacity to complete customs declarations