BID funded landscape management works across the BID area - Bracknell BID

BID funded landscape management works across the BID area

Bracknell BID continues to fund landscape management works throughout the BID area including, grass verge edging and vegetation cutbacks at various locations, including Kiln Lane, Western Road and other areas. These are in line with the previous landscape management works conducted last month, which can be read in an article here, showcasing the improvements at Farleymoor Lake, Downmill Road, Longshot Lane, Longshot Lane adjacent woodland footpath, Downmill Road and Longshot Lane footpath link, Mill Lane footpath/cycle way.

The vegetation cutbacks ties into Objective 1: Infrastructure activity 5: Working with partners to maintain and improve where necessary, the general condition and appearances of roads, footpaths, cycle ways and verges throughout the business areas at all times of the year including the additional gritting of roads where needed.

This work ties into the BID’s objective of maintaining and improving the general condition and appearance of roads, footpaths, cycleways and verges throughout the BID area, raising the appearance of the Business areas.

Below are before and after images of works conducted across the BID area.

Western Road



Kiln Lane



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