Travel to Work in Bracknell podcast - Bracknell BID
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Travel to Work in Bracknell podcast

Phillip Burke – Senior Transport Coordinator for Bracknell Forest Council has put together a podcast concerning getting to and from work as travel restrictions ease. The podcast aims to give local information and resources to help employers and employees plan their journeys to work when that becomes relevant with lockdown measures beginning to ease.

To download the slides click here.

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to many people taking up cycling not only as a hobby but also as a lifestyle choice to help adhere to social distancing by reducing use of public transport. A government scheme is available for employers to set up as a benefit for employees who would like to take advantage of cycling to work and can help employees save between 25% and 39% on the cost of a new bike or an electric bike.

Find out more about the Government Cycle to Work Scheme here.

Click here to see a map of Bracknell BID’s cycleways.
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