Bracknell BID are organising Tidy Days as part of Keep Britain Tidy's Spring Clean - Wednesday 30th March and Thursday 31st March. - Bracknell BID

Bracknell BID are organising Tidy Days as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Spring Clean – Wednesday 30th March and Thursday 31st March.

As part of the Keep Britain Tidy’s Spring Clean period, Bracknell BID are organising Tidy Days within the Bracknell BID area through two community litter pick events on Wednesday 30th March and Thursday 31st March commencing at Wickes Car Park, Western Road, Bracknell.

Thousands of commuters and residents everyday use the roads, footpaths and cycle lanes in the Bracknell BID area in travelling to their workplace, and has become a staple in people’s everyday lives in Bracknell. For this reason, we want to keep this area as litter-free as possible and we need your help.

Join us in keeping Bracknell tidy through our Bracknell BID area community litter picking sessions on Wednesday 30th March and Thursday 31st March.

Group meeting times will be confirmed shortly.

Come for as little or as long as you like, the litter picking sessions are for anyone who can spare as little as 10 minutes of their time as they can in helping to improve their community. 

Volunteers will be provided with all the necessary PPE and equipment by the BID including litter pickers, hi-vis, gloves and a refreshment for helping to clean up your local community!

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