New Police bicycles and branding for Bracknell BID Area PSCOs, - Bracknell BID

New Police bicycles and branding for Bracknell BID Area PSCOs,

PCSO James Leggett and PCSO Aaron Pearce based in the Bracknell BID area were handed over their new police bicycles this week for patrolling the BID area.

The police bicycle vinyl sticker branding was kindly provided by Smart Signs Group based at Longshot lane in the Western Business Area.

If you see James or Aaron out patrolling on their new bikes around the BID be sure to give them a wave!


For more information about Smart Signs please see their website. They are running an 10% discount offer for December and January exclusive to BID businesses and employees, for more information on that and other exclusive BID offers please see the Bracknell BID website

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