As we reach beyond the midpoint of the BID’s first term, we are seeking the views of businesses and employees on what the BID has delivered so far and what businesses wish to be delivered in the next two and a half years. The Midterm Survey to help us do this.
The Survey will close on the 28th February. Complete now to be in with a chance to win the ‘Cocktail Masterclass’ prize worth £135 at Den of Bracca! All those who have submitted a survey will be entered into the draw.
We would like to thank all businesses who have already submitted their survey, your responses are very valuable to us.
We have also compiled a newsletter of the projects we have delivered in the last 12 months. Click here to read the newsletter.
Surveys can be submitted via the online form (link below) or the via filling out the printed form or pdf which has been circulated to businesses.