This week, BID funded brickwork cleansing was carried out at Farleymoor Lake in the Western Business Area to remove graffiti, improving the general appearance of the benches and brickwork surrounding the lake. The brickwork cleansing is part of the BID’s wider aim in improving amenities within the BID area for workers to enjoy, as well as improving the general condition of footpaths.
As part of our further area cleansing plan, Bracknell BID are also organising Tidy Days at 12pm – 2pm Wednesday 30th March and 12pm – 2pm Thursday 31st March to keep Bracknell Tidy, fulfilling the BID’s aims to develop amenities and schemes, benefits and events for those who work in the BID area to promote the feeling of community, pleasant surroundings, and a sense of well-being. The Tidy Days are part of the BID’s wider strategy in working to maintain and improve the general condition and appearance of roads, footpaths, cycleways and grass verges through other projects such as professional street cleansing, grass verge cutbacks, vegetation cutbacks, brickwork cleansing and litter signage installation. You can read more about this here.
Below are pictures of the brickwork cleansing before and after, illustrating the improvements to the general appearance made to brickwork and the benches surrounding Farleymoor Lake.
