ESDP Autumn Event ‘Securing Bracknell Forest’s Business Future’ Tues 20th October, 9:00am to 10.30am - Bracknell BID
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ESDP Autumn Event ‘Securing Bracknell Forest’s Business Future’ Tues 20th October, 9:00am to 10.30am

The Bracknell Forest Economic and Skills Development Partnership’s 2020 Autumn Event, Securing Bracknell Forest’s Business Future’, will explore current strategic planning and visioning aimed at securing Bracknell Forest’s future as a leading business economy within the region.

Whilst there will be positive impacts from the next phase of the Lexicon and Bracknell Forest’s first Business Improvement District (BID), there will be significant challenges due to the impact from Covid-19 on long-term business viability and confidence, alongside the opportunities and uncertainties of BREXIT, in the months ahead.  Strategic visioning and planning will play an important role in ensuring that Bracknell Forest’s businesses have every opportunity to recover and thrive in an uncertain business environment.

Chaired by the ESDP’s Bob Collis, the scene will be set by Cllr. Marc Brunel-Walker, Bracknell Forest Council’s Executive Member for Economic Development & Regeneration.  Andrew Yeadon of Public Perspectives will present the results of two major business surveys carried out in Bracknell Forest this year.  Speakers will include Andrew Hunter, Bracknell Forest Council’s Director of Place, Planning and Regeneration, who will cover current business recovery planning and the emerging Local Plan. James Sunderland MP concludes our speakers with his thoughts on the Borough’s future business prospects.

The Event will be held on-line using Microsoft Teams.  Registration details will be forwarded over the next few weeks.  Please save the date. 

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