Bracknell BID E-News issue no. 132, 24th March - Bracknell BID

Bracknell BID E-News issue no. 132, 24th March

Bracknell BID has released another instalment of their weekly E-News Bulletin, encompassing the following topics:

BID levy bill information for businesses

Meet our Bracknell BID board members – Susan Meyers, Ozone Ice Rink

Bracknell BID are organising Tidy Days as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Spring Clean – Wednesday 30th March and Thursday 31st March.

Bracknell BID Tidy Day Flyer

Bracknell BID host litter picking event for local businesses – Bracknell News

DELL UK Limited Time Flash Sale between 21st – 28th March 2022 exclusive for Bracknell BID area employees

Flexible Working Webinar – How small businesses can use Work From Home (WFH) to gain a competitive advantage – 7th April at 9am

Bracknell BID 5K Group Fitness Sessions rescheduled and BID employee fitness session preference survey

You can view the newsletter here.

All news items within the E-bulletin can be viewed in more detail on the news page on our website.

If you haven’t already, you can sign up to our newsletter simply by putting your email in below:

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