Can you help the Bracknell Foodbank? - Bracknell BID

Can you help the Bracknell Foodbank?

Bracknell Foodbank is part of a national network of foodbanks, giving out nutritionally balanced emergency food to people in financial crisis who have nowhere else to turn.  Based at Kerith Community Church in the centre of Bracknell, the Foodbank also looks to provide additional support to help people break the cycle of poverty by putting them in touch with other local agencies who can offer further support.


The Foodbank is looking for help in financing additional storage or sourcing available storage locally. If you can provide storage space at free or peppercorn rent with the following requirements, please contact Sarah Walker of Kerith Community Church, at Sarah.Walker@Kerith.Church


Foodbank storage space requirements:

  • 75 sq. metres
  • Ideally with parking for 2/3 vehicles & easy access or loading/unloading of food pallets
  • Within 1 mile of Bracknell Town Centre
  • For a minimum of 6 months (ideally 1 year!) Free or peppercorn rent

For more information on Bracknell Food Bank and ways to support please see their website: or Facebook page:

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