Bracknell Forest Council - Budget Consultation 2023/24 - Bracknell BID

Bracknell Forest Council – Budget Consultation 2023/24

Bracknell Forest Council is conducting a survey to seek the views of representatives of local business ratepayers on its budget proposals before they are formally adopted. The budget consultation survey runs until 24 January 2023, following which final budget proposals to the Executive will be presented on 7 February. Should the Executive agree to support the final proposals, they will go on to be debated by the Full Council on 22 February, when a final decision about the 2023/24 budget and council tax level for Bracknell Forest will be made.

If you would like to make any comments on Bracknell Forest Council’s budget proposals on behalf of your organisation or business, fill in the survey by noon, Monday 23 January. A summary of responses received will be made available to Councillors before they formally vote on the final budget proposals. 

The draft proposals cover the Council’s revenue budget and capital programme. The draft spending proposals survey for Bracknell Forest Council’s budget can be accessed here.

Responses can be submitted using the survey link above, or via e-mail to

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