BID funded Defibrillator - Southern Ductwork - Bracknell BID

BID funded Defibrillator – Southern Ductwork

Bracknell BID have now funded and organised an additional defibrillator which has been installed outside Southern Ductwork, on Downmill Road within the Western business area of Bracknell. This is the seventh defibrillator to be installed, funded by the BID and London Hearts.

Bracknell BID is aiming to make the business community a safer place in line with objectives, by hosting regular Basic Life Support Awareness Training Courses for workers in the area, as well as funding and installing publicly accessible defibrillators within the area alongside navigation signage to raise awareness of the locations. To read more about this project click here.

The defibrillators are housed in a locked cabinet which can be accessed with a code that can be retrieved by calling 999 in an emergency. The defibrillators are fully automatic and user friendly, they can be used for adults and children by simply changing settings.

To read more about the publicly accessible defibrillators, how to use the device, and a map detailing the locations, click here.

If your business are interested in applying for a defibrillator to be installed, being involved in upcoming life support awareness courses or have any questions please email

To apply for a defibrillator grant click here.

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