Bracknell BID’s funded seasonal lighting has returned this winter. Following the success and positive feedback of this project last year, the lights have now been switched on at Farleymoor Lake.
Bracknell BID has funded seasonal lighting at Farlymoor Lake, branch wrapping thirteen trees with LED string lighting. The lighting will be on for the duration of the winter months to elevate mood of workers, as well as to improve safety for workers while walking through Farleymoor Lake and along the footpath.
This work ties into Objective 1: Infrastructure, sub-objective f: Improve lighting where possible on roads and footpaths generally and in particular at vulnerable junctions and places of more frequent pedestrian activity to ensure safety of all road and footpath users.
These works are part of the BID’s work to improve lighting on footpaths and cycleways, especially at places of more frequent activity to pedestrians; The BID has previously funded two new lighting columns on Easthampstead Road and four new lighting columns on the footpath/cycleway adjacent to Mill Lane. To read up on the BID’s previous work on lighting, click here.