BID funded publicly accessible defibrillators installed in the Bracknell BID area - Bracknell BID

BID funded publicly accessible defibrillators installed in the Bracknell BID area

According to the South Central Ambulance Service, less than one in ten people in the UK survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Two of the biggest factors contributing to this low number are that there aren’t enough people prepared to perform CPR when someone has a cardiac arrest, and that there aren’t enough defibrillators available across the UK.

Bracknell BID is helping to make the business community a safer place by addressing both issues, hosting regular Basic Life Support Awareness Training Courses for workers in the area, as well as funding and installing publicly accessible defibrillators within the area alongside navigation signage to raise awareness of the locations. To learn more about the latest Basic Life Support Awareness Training Courses available for BID area workers, click here. Bracknell BID has funded and installed six publicly accessible defibrillators across the Southern and Western Business Areas, and also manages them to ensure they are well-equipped to save lives.

A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest. This high energy shock is called defibrillation, and it’s an essential part in trying to save the life of someone who’s in cardiac arrest. The BID funded and installed publicly accessible defibrillators satisfy Objective 2: Business Growth and Investment, activity 2b: develop schemes, benefits and events for those who work in businesses in Bracknell business areas which promote the feeling of a community, a sense of well-being and encourages staff retention and productivity.

The BID funded and installed publicly accessible defibrillators are in the following locations:

Acorn House,
Longshot Lane

Pictured is Dena Saliba, Rafform East, and Gary McManus, Release Radio

Baileys Garage, Lovelace Road

Pictured is Donna Vittozzi, Bailey’s Garage

Western Road

Pictured is Ruth Lethem and Olga X, Greggs

Western Road

Pictured is Callum Jarvis, Wickes Manager

Easthampstead Road

Waite House,
Doncastle Road

The BID would like to thank Rafform East, Bailey’s Garage, Greggs, Wickes, Toolstation and Waitrose & Partners for hosting the defibrillators.

The defibrillators are housed a locked cabinet which can be accessed with a code that can be retrieved by calling 999 in an emergency. The defibrillators are fully automatic and can be used for adults and children by simply changing settings.

For a map of the locations of the defibrillators, as well as others in the BID area, can be seen below in pdf format or on mobile here.



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