Bracknell BID have funded pothole repairs on Kiln Lane. These improvements to the road surfacing have been made which will benefit road users as well as improving the aesthetic appearance of the BID area. These repairs are in line with previous landscaping works the BID has funded on Kiln Lane, including vegetation cutbacks and grass verge edging, to improve the general condition and appearance of the road. The previous landscaping works can be read in an article here.
Road surface improvements tie in with objective 1, activity 5: Working with partners to maintain and improve where necessary, the general condition and appearances of roads, footpaths, cycle ways and verges throughout the business areas at all times of the year including the additional gritting of roads where needed.
This work ties into the BID’s objective of maintaining and improving the general condition and appearance of roads, footpaths, cycleways and verges throughout the BID area, raising the appearance of the Business areas.
Below are before and after images of work completed on Kiln Lane.
