If your business is located within the Bracknell BID area (i.e. Southern and Western Business area) and you wish to bulk order cards for employees within your business, please fill out this form. Please complete the form with full names and work email addresses of those requesting cards as well as your business address for delivery.
Once your application has been received you should receive a response from a member of the team to let you know when to expect delivery of your cards. After you receive your card, you will need to activate your card by visiting our website here and filling in one quick form detailing the unique number.
Please note: You must have the authority to share email addresses prior to sending the bulk order form. By providing e-mail addresses, each person agrees to the Terms and Conditions of the I Work Loyalty Card. By providing your e-mail address, you also agree to receive newsletters and updates from the Bracknell BID via e-mail whenever new offers and promotions become available. Cards will not be delivered if the address is outside the Bracknell BID area.