Due to the A3095 Highway Improvement Scheme there are scheduled road closures which may affect businesses in the BID area, please see the following for the Programme of closures:
Hanworth Roundabout
Surfacing work will start on Tuesday 6 April.
The whole junction will be closed between 9:30am and 4pm on:
- Tuesday 6 April to Friday 9 April
- Monday 12 April to Wednesday 14 April.
.Golden Retriever junction
Surfacing work is planned to start on Thursday 15 April and be complete by Friday 7 May.
The whole junction will be completely closed between 9:30am and 4pm on:
- Thursday 15 April and Friday 16 April
- Monday 19 April to Friday 23 April
- Monday 26 April to Friday 30 April
- Tuesday 4 May to Friday 7 May
.During this period from 6 April to 7 May the A3095 Crowthorne Road will be closed between Hanworth roundabout and the Golden Retriever junction.
.There is further information about the work on the project webpage.