Basic Life Support Awareness Training Course - Bracknell BID

Basic Life Support Awareness Training Course

Bracknell BID is holding courses for BID area workers, led by the South Central Ambulance Charity, designed to give people in the workplace the skills and confidence to save a life.


Bracknell BID are funding Basic Life Support Awareness Training Courses for BID area businesses and workers, which will help provide invaluable knowledge on how to deliver potentially life-saving help. This course has been designed to give people in the workplace the skills and confidence to save a life.


These courses are hosted by the South Central Ambulance Service, a charity that raises funds to support South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust.


The training courses ties in with raising awareness of the BID funded and installed publicly accessible defibrillators within the area, and how to use the devices to save a life in the event of cardiac arrest. For more information regarding the locations and defibrillators, click here.


If your business would like to get involved in a Basic Life Support Awareness Training Course, let the BID team know by emailing

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