The BID - Bracknell BID

About the BID

Bracknell Business Improvement District (BID)

About the BID

In 2020, businesses in the Southern and Western Business Areas of Bracknell voted in favour of plans to set up a Business Improvement District (BID), to run from 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2025.


The positive ballot result follows 18 months of planning, in-depth interviews, surveys and workshops of Bracknell business owners, representatives and partners, and a month-long ballot in which businesses in the area were asked to vote on the BID proposal. 63% of votes cast voted in favour of the BID by total number of businesses, and 88% of votes cast vote in favour of the BID by Rateable Value.


As a result of the ‘Yes’ vote, the Bracknell Business Improvement District (BID) commenced on the 1st April 2020. Businesses within the BID Area (Southern and Western Business Areas in Bracknell) with a rateable value of £12,001 or more will pay a levy based upon their rateable value, creating a collective fund of more than £3 million to spend over the next five years. This fund will be spent on projects and initiatives that will benefit Bracknell BID area businesses and improve the trading environment.


The BID proposal and plans were driven by a steering group of business representatives from across the BID area (Southern and Western Business areas), who have formed the company: Bracknell Investment Group Ltd, who will manage the Bracknell BID.


Bracknell BID is governed by the Bracknell Investment Group Ltd Board of Directors. The BID Board consists of representatives from all sectors within the BID area to ensure balanced representation. Board Directors are volunteers from businesses and partner organisations who give up their time for free.

The BID Board is supported by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbbUK), one of the largest BID consultancies in the UK, who develop and deliver Business Improvement Districts across the country.

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To view or download a copy of the BID Prospectus or BID Proposal and Business Plan, click the relevant image below.

Bracknell BID: Vision and Objectives

All projects and initiatives are directed and driven by the BID’s vision and objectives.


The Bracknell BID area to be recognised as the place where businesses develop and grow through collaboration and investment.


Objective 1: Infrastructure

Provide a great infrastructure and a smart working environment for businesses to operate and people and services to communicate, access and move around, safely and effectively.

Objective 1: Infrastructure

Support businesses in Bracknell to grow, develop and invest by creating a great working environment to operate effectively and attract and retain the best people.

To contact Bracknell BID or sign up to our newsletter please visit our contact us page and use the links or contact form.

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