Bracknell Jobs Fair - Bracknell BID

Bracknell Jobs Fair

Bracknell businesses seeking top talent

Bracknell BID & The Lexicon have partnered to host annual Bracknell Jobs Fair events at Princess Square.


The Jobs Fairs are free events and open to all skill levels and working age groups looking for job vacancies in Bracknell. A number of local employers from national to global companies in a variety of industries are present.


Attendees are able to drop in anytime to find out about a host of roles on the Southern and Western Business Areas, as well the Lexicon - everything from skilled office and management roles, to driving jobs, retail and facilities.


The large-scale all-day events have an excellent turnout of prospective candidates, with over 25 businesses hosting stalls to promote vacancies, and filling many roles.


If your business is based in the BID area and would like to get involved in our next Bracknell Jobs Fair event, or other recruitment initiatives, let the BID team know by emailing

Previous Jobs Fairs

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