Have your say: Business Recovery Insights Survey - Bracknell BID
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Have your say: Business Recovery Insights Survey

COVID-19 is presenting us all with new challenges and we are acutely aware of the impact it will have on businesses. We want to assist business owners in Berkshire to navigate and recover from these unprecedented times.

Alongside the Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and key partners, Thames Valley Berkshire Business Growth Hub wants to ensure that the voice of all businesses is heard. They want to hear from you about current and future impacts of the pandemic on your business and use these insights to inform the development of a Berkshire Local Industrial Recovery Strategy and future investment by the LEP in skills, infrastructure and business. The LEP works closely with the six local authorities in the Berkshire area, and they are looking to the LEP to provide a vision for economic recovery from the pandemic, so this survey will also inform investment decisions made by the local authorities in the area.

We urge you to respond to the LEP’s Berkshire Recovery Business Insights Survey by 26 June. It only takes around 10 minutes to complete.

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